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Engaging NLP for Parents

Author: Judy Bartkowiak

Retail Price:Rs 475.00/-

Our Price:Rs 240.00/-

Delivery Charges : Rs 50.00/-


About the Book

Practical and easy to implement NLP book for parents.


Would you like to be…

  • Confident
  • Able to say ‘no’… and feel OK about it
  • Aware of Choices available
  • Solution focused
  • Calm and controlled


  • Learn some great skills to pass on to your kids?

If so, this book is definitely for YOU


As parents we want to do the best for our children and step children because we love them and we know that what we do and say makes a difference.


Sometimes though we find that we can't cope, things are going wrong and we are out of our depth. Our own confidence suffers and clouded in confusion with mixed messages from friends wanting to help, books and articles we read and family advice, we lose the plot.


Children can see right through us when we are at our most vulnerable and they pick up on our despair. Parents frequently tell me that their child has no idea how they are feeling but I can tell you that they do. Even very small children who may be unaware of the detail or what we call 'small chunk' issues get the bigger picture that we are depressed and unable to cope.


It is terribly important as a parent that we sort out our own emotional issues because until you do, it will be very difficult to parent effectively.


You are the model for your children. They learn from you how to respond to life's challenges and how to relate to people outside the family.